Gender Inclusive Competition Policy Webinar – Summary and Comments


For the last two years, the OECD has been exploring whether the adoption of a gender lens could help develop a more effective competition policy to tackle gender inequality. 

In an effort to further develop thinking in this area, the OECD has launched a pioneering project to consider, more concretely, how competition policy can address gender inequality. The OECD’s Call for Proposals is seeking research ideas focused on practical ways in which competition agencies can make operational, analytical or policy changes to create a gender inclusive competition policy. The project has been made possible with the support of the Canadian Competition Bureau.

The Call is open to anyone in academia, private practice, competition agencies, regulators, consultancies or the wider policy world – anyone who has ideas for new evidence to inform the debate and help drive change.

Euclid Law in conjunction with the Canadian Bar Association and Women.Connected had the pleasure of hosting a webinar on Wednesday 29 July 2020, aimed at moving the discussion on this topic forward.

The discussion considered some of the key issues and questions that contributors may want to consider including in their proposals. What is the role that gender can play in different aspects of our participation in markets, for example as consumers, workers, entrepreneurs, board members or senior management? What could, or indeed should, competition authorities be doing to improve the fight for gender equality? Is it too narrow for this issue to be considered within the confines of competition law and policy and what can we learn from the success and failure of gender equality policies in other areas? What is the role that consumer law and consumer protection policy can play in this project? What sort of data driven initiatives should we be looking to prioritise as part of this project?

Watch the recording of the webinar below and join the discussion!



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