Contact Us


Postal Address

34 Settles Street
E1 1JP
United Kingdom

Euclid Law Ltd is a limited liability company registered in England and Wales under number 09177736. Its registered office and principal place of business is at 34 Settles Street, London, E1 1JP and it is licensed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority – SRA No: 617792.


Postal Address

119 Chaussée de Vleurgat

Euclid Law Srl is a limited liability company registered in Belgium under number 0795492842, which is wholly owned by Euclid Law Ltd. Its registered office and principal place of business is at 119 Chaussée de Vleurgat, 1000 Brussels and it is regulated by the Brussels Bar.

We are the go-to firm for any company looking to overcome regulatory hurdles in the UK and EU. Our lawyers offer real solutions based on real experience.