For a Facts-Based Analysis of Uber’s Activities in the EU: Addressing Some Misconceptions

Damien Geradin

Tilburg Law & Economics Center (TILEC); University College London – Faculty of Laws

Date Written: March 13, 2017


While it has now been several years since Uber started its activities in Europe, it is striking that in most EU Member States there is still no regulatory framework allowing Uber and similar ridesharing companies to compete and deliver the efficiencies generated by their technology, while assuring that the public interest is guaranteed. Regulatory change is impeded by the emotional nature of the debate where new entrants like Uber are often characterised as villains, stealing business away from taxi companies and replacing “good jobs” with precarious ones. These allegations, which are largely based on misconceptions about Uber’s activities, prevent a constructive, forward-looking debate on how to take advantage of the major opportunities created by Uber and other companies offering online intermediation services in terms of user convenience, affordability and quality of service, road safety, and reduced urban congestion.

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